Biography Of Rudy Habibie

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Rudy Habibie, in full name of Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie ( born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia—died September 11, 2019, Jakarta), was Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was president of indonesia ( 1998 – 1999 )and  a leader in the country’s technological and economic development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries
He is briliant in science and from his childhood. Habibie received his postsecondary education at the bandung institute of techonology In Bandung City and Continued his studies at the institute of Technology of North Rhine – Westphalia In Aachen . after he graduated in 1960, he remained in west germany as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor.

When Habibie went back to indonesia for holiday. There, habibie went to besari family for a friendship, in besari’s home, habibie saw ainun and he is fell in love in first sight with her. After that habibie married ainun at 12 Mei 1962, Bandung City, habibie and habibie went to germany. They had two children, both name were Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal. They were born at germany.

in 1974, Suharto asked habibie to return to indonesia for developing indonesian's industrial. Habibie jump-started an aircraft construction industry and a state airline company.habibie developed aircraft industries at IPTN ( industri pesawat terbang nurtanio) IPTN’s product were CN235, N250, and N2130. The most popular product was N250. Habibie succesed for the first flight with N250 airplanes.

But after years ago, his wife, H Ainun Habie suffered cancer in her ovarium. Habibie immediately took her to  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Klinikum Grosshadern, Munchen, Germany. H ainun habibie had surgery almost 9th sugery. But At Mei,22 ‘ 2010, She passed away in germany.

click here for ppt BJ HABIBIE


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