DeutschAufgabe : A Film Review ( Nico's Weg)

The Film Review : Nico’s Weg

Directed by Steffen Mahnert ; Produced by Andreas Krug, Stefan Friese, René Kibrité ; Starring Tayfun Baydar, Beka Bediana, Lars Dickel, Sarah Hannemann, Wolfgang Schlößer, Catharina Sofie, Yeliz Simsek, Isabel Trimborn, Florian Wünsche, Alwin Eifler, Charley Ann ; Music by Marko Vinokic ; Cinematography by Victor Voß, Sabine Boehlck ; Edited by Katrin Ewald ; Production companies DW - Deutsche Welle ; Distributed by Deutsch lernen mit der DW ; Release date March,19 2019 ; Running time 108 minutes ; Country Deutschland, Europe ; Language Deutsch.


        Welcome back to my Favorite Blog. and so today i would like to review what i watched in maybe 2 days ago about one of The Germany film . the title is Nico's Weg. But if you want to know more than i see. You can watch the film directly. but before i start the review, i want to share to you, why am i watch the The film.

So last week, My Germany teachers, Frau Murti gave us one task to watch the film. The Film's Title was Nico's Weg that means in English is Nico's Way but exactly I don't know about the real means of those words. But my instinct call me that the Film will be a nice Film and can catch my eyes. So let’s start the review.


          There is one man was called Nico. He came from Spain, in sevilla Exactly who flight to the German. the goals of Nico’s Way was to meet his aunt in there. But there are another reasons that makes him to do that. The reason was he didn’t want to continue his studies . He just wanted to work.

          When he arrived at the airports in german, he is looking arounds tha airports. And seeing the others says Hi and goodbye. With his earphones still in his ears. After that, a girl came to Nico and said “ Schon. But Nico didn’t know what the girl said.That Girl is Emma.  Then another girl was came. The Name is Lisa. In this Film, Lisa is  Emma’s Aunt. Who said sorry to Nico about Her behavior. After that Lisa anad Emma left Nico. Then Nico just read the letter that contain the addrese of his aunt and looked for the exit gate.

              After he found the exit gate, immediately, he went towards the exit gate with brought his bag. But after he got in the exit gate, he meets again with a girl ( Emma ) who was came by to him. The girl is playing with her bubbles. And  Nico immediately joined the girl to both blow bubbles without realizing that he forgot his bag. He just realized that when taxi has gone with brought his bag in there. And in this scene, Nico’s weg or in english “ Nico’s way” begins in germany.


After I watched this Movie, I think this movie is a one of the movie of The Germany film for those that want to improve basic Germany Language. Why not. In early Movie, we have learned how to greet/ speak  with another people, for example ( Entschuldigung, Guten Tag, vie geht’s euch), giving a compliment ( Schon) and etc. and another side, we have learned about how the culture in Germany for example ( The Food, The atmosphere of surrondings, the buildings, and many things)

And I think this is the only one germany movie who I watched until the end of the movie. And this is a good movie that can see directly if you want to know more than of I see or review in this blog.

the moral value of the movie are you should Nico's attitude because he doesn't have any experience about how about germany. and the experience in german that to be a lecture for himself tho. 


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